A WIFE WITH 7TH SENSEA man phones his wife and asks her:“Honey I’ve been asked to go fishing inChina with my boss for a week. This is agood opportunity for me to get thepromotion. 80 could you please packenough clothes for a week, set out my rod &fishing box. We’re leaving from office & l‘llswing by the house to pick my things. Oh,Please pack my new blue silk pyjamas!"The wife noticed that there‘s somethingfishy in her husband‘s story but since shewas a good wife she listened to herhusband and did exactly as he told her.After a week the husband returned home,looking a bit tired but happy to have done agood job. The wife immediately startedasking about the weekend, how it was, ifhe’d caught any fish and so on.
The husband said: “Yes, Lots of Salmon,Blue gill & a few Swordfish. But why didn’tyou pack my blue silk pyjamas?"To which the wife responded: “Idid ..... They’re in your fishing box“.
The husband said: “Yes, Lots of Salmon,Blue gill & a few Swordfish. But why didn’tyou pack my blue silk pyjamas?"To which the wife responded: “Idid ..... They’re in your fishing box“.